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Double Bay Window - MDF House Kit

Double Bay Window - MDF House Kit£4.40  -  £6.60

Georgian Style Townhouse - MDF House Kit

Georgian Style Townhouse - MDF House Kit£4.00  -  £6.00

MDF Lighthouse Kits - Plain or Engraved

MDF Lighthouse Kits - Plain or Engraved£4.00  -  £14.00

Winter Cottage - MDF House Kit

Winter Cottage - MDF House Kit£4.00  -  £6.00

3D Christmas Forest MDF Wood Scene

3D Christmas Forest MDF Wood Scene£3.99  -  £11.99

Birch Ply or MDF Lantern Kit - Medium

Birch Ply or MDF Lantern Kit - Medium£3.99  -  £6.99

Christmas Nativity Scene - MDF Wood Kit

Christmas Nativity Scene - MDF Wood Kit£3.99  -  £6.99

MDF Punch & Judy Booth Kit

MDF Punch & Judy Booth Kit£3.99  -  £7.50

Plain MDF Book Nook Kit

Plain MDF Book Nook Kit£3.99  -  £7.50

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