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Calico Craft Parts Special Offers

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Birds & Winged Things Wood Shapes

Here you'll find everything with wings! Wood shapes of birds from across the globe including exotic species and favourite garden songbirds, plus bats, flying insects and more. Our wood shapes are ideal for year round and seasonal projects, adding a natural flourish to wildlife and nature themed creations.

Featured Products
Plain Birdhouse MDF Wood Shape

Plain Birdhouse MDF Wood Shape£0.25  -  £0.45

Plain Birdhouse on Stand MDF Wood Shape

Plain Birdhouse on Stand MDF Wood Shape£0.25  -  £0.45

Alice In Wonderland Shapes - Dodo

Alice In Wonderland Shapes - Dodo£2.00  -  £5.00

Chickadee Lighthouse Birdhouse - MDF Wood Kit

Chickadee Lighthouse Birdhouse - MDF Wood Kit£12.99  -  £19.99

Canary Cottage Birdhouse - MDF Wood Kit

Canary Cottage Birdhouse - MDF Wood Kit£5.99  -  £8.99

Wormy Wonderland Birdhouse - MDF Wood Kit

Wormy Wonderland Birdhouse - MDF Wood Kit£4.99  -  £7.99

Twitter Inn Birdhouse - MDF Wood Kit

Twitter Inn Birdhouse - MDF Wood Kit£14.99  -  £23.99

The Guilded Feather Birdhouse - MDF Wood Kit

The Guilded Feather Birdhouse - MDF Wood Kit£7.99  -  £11.99

Calico Craft Parts
Buy quality wood shapes from Calico Craft Parts