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Halloween Multi Frame - Raven in Graveyard

Halloween Multi Frame - Raven in Graveyard£1.00  -  £2.00

Haunted House - Halloween MDF Wood Words

Haunted House - Halloween MDF Wood Words£1.00  -  £2.00

Hocus Pocus - Halloween MDF Wood Words

Hocus Pocus - Halloween MDF Wood Words£1.00  -  £2.00

Howling Wolf Head MDF Wood Shape

Howling Wolf Head MDF Wood Shape£1.00  -  £2.00

Hummingbird Motif MDF Wood Bird Shape

Hummingbird Motif MDF Wood Bird Shape£1.00  -  £2.00

Jolly Laughing Santa - MDF Wood Shape

Jolly Laughing Santa - MDF Wood Shape£1.00  -  £2.00

Joy - Decorative MDF Wood Words

Joy - Decorative MDF Wood Words£1.00  -  £2.50

Joy Bauble - MDF Wood Shape

Joy Bauble - MDF Wood Shape£1.00  -  £2.00

Merry & Bright - Decorative MDF Wood Words

Merry & Bright - Decorative MDF Wood Words£1.00  -  £2.50

Morning Glory MDF Wood Shape Style 45

Morning Glory MDF Wood Shape Style 45£1.00  -  £2.00

Penny Farthing MDF Wood Shape

Penny Farthing MDF Wood Shape£1.00  -  £2.00

Pumpkin Fool MDF Wood Shape

Pumpkin Fool MDF Wood Shape£1.00  -  £2.00

Rabbit Gone Fishing MDF Wood Shape

Rabbit Gone Fishing MDF Wood Shape£1.00  -  £2.00

Roman Numeral Clock Face - MDF Wood Shape

Roman Numeral Clock Face - MDF Wood Shape£1.00  -  £2.50

Santa & Sleigh MDF Wood Shape - Style 5

Santa & Sleigh MDF Wood Shape - Style 5£1.00  -  £2.00

Santa & Sleigh MDF Wood Shape - Style 6

Santa & Sleigh MDF Wood Shape - Style 6£1.00  -  £1.50

Santa & Sleigh MDF Wood Shape - Style 8

Santa & Sleigh MDF Wood Shape - Style 8£1.00  -  £2.00

Santa's List - MDF Wood Shape

Santa's List - MDF Wood Shape£1.00  -  £2.00

Scuba Diver - MDF Wood Shape

Scuba Diver - MDF Wood Shape£1.00  -  £2.00

Sheep Grazing MDF Wood Shape

Sheep Grazing MDF Wood Shape£1.00  -  £2.00

Sow with Piglets - MDF Wood Shape Style 22

Sow with Piglets - MDF Wood Shape Style 22£1.00  -  £2.00

Stag Head - MDF Christmas Floral Wood Shape

Stag Head - MDF Christmas Floral Wood Shape£1.00  -  £1.70

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Calico Craft Parts
Buy quality wood shapes from Calico Craft Parts