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Indian Elephant - MDF Wood Shape

Indian Elephant - MDF Wood Shape£1.70  -  £3.40

Leaping Circus Horse - MDF Wood Shape

Leaping Circus Horse - MDF Wood Shape£1.70  -  £3.40

Reindeer - MDF Christmas Floral Wood Shape

Reindeer - MDF Christmas Floral Wood Shape£1.70  -  £2.80

Spider Web Flourish MDF Wood Shape

Spider Web Flourish MDF Wood Shape£1.70  -  £2.80

Steampunk Mechanical Cogs Motif Style 13

Steampunk Mechanical Cogs Motif Style 13£1.70  -  £3.40

Wild Poppies MDF Wood Shape - Style 55

Wild Poppies MDF Wood Shape - Style 55£1.70  -  £3.40

Armillary Sphere - MDF Wood Shape

Armillary Sphere - MDF Wood Shape£1.65  -  £3.30

Navigation Globe - MDF Wood Shape

Navigation Globe - MDF Wood Shape£1.65  -  £3.30

Ornate Navigation Globe - MDF Wood Shape

Ornate Navigation Globe - MDF Wood Shape£1.65  -  £3.30

8 Pointed Star - MDF Lace Cut Bauble

8 Pointed Star - MDF Lace Cut Bauble£1.60  -  £2.90

Autumn Multi Frame - Acorns

Autumn Multi Frame - Acorns£1.60  -  £3.20

Autumn Multi Frame - Oak & Acorns

Autumn Multi Frame - Oak & Acorns£1.60  -  £3.80

Circus Elephant - MDF Wood Shape

Circus Elephant - MDF Wood Shape£1.60  -  £3.20

Penguin - MDF Christmas Floral Wood Shape

Penguin - MDF Christmas Floral Wood Shape£1.60  -  £2.60

Vintage Angel Choir - MDF Wood Shape

Vintage Angel Choir - MDF Wood Shape£1.60  -  £3.20

Winter Trees & Snow Swirls - MDF Wood Shape

Winter Trees & Snow Swirls - MDF Wood Shape£1.60  -  £2.60

Phrenology Head, Side - MDF Wood Shape

Phrenology Head, Side - MDF Wood Shape£1.55  -  £3.10

Anatomical Brain - MDF Wood Shape

Anatomical Brain - MDF Wood Shape£1.50  -  £3.00

Anatomical Heart - MDF Wood Shape

Anatomical Heart - MDF Wood Shape£1.50  -  £3.00

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Calico Craft Parts
Buy quality wood shapes from Calico Craft Parts