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Birch Ply or MDF Addam's Family Mansion Kit*

Birch Ply or MDF Addam's Family Mansion Kit*£45.00  -  £80.00

Stackable Storage Kit - Double - 12 Drawers

Stackable Storage Kit - Double - 12 Drawers£21.99  -  £22.75

Birch Ply or MDF Dr Who - Dalek Kit*

Birch Ply or MDF Dr Who - Dalek Kit*£19.99  -  £34.99

Stackable Storage Kit - Double - 8 Drawers

Stackable Storage Kit - Double - 8 Drawers£18.99  -  £19.75

Set of 3 Townhouses inc. Base & Accessories

Set of 3 Townhouses inc. Base & Accessories£17.99  -  £23.99

Alabama Church - MDF Building Kit

Alabama Church - MDF Building Kit£16.99  -  £25.99

Birch Ply or MDF Gingerbread Cottage Kit

Birch Ply or MDF Gingerbread Cottage Kit£16.99  -  £22.99

Haunted House & Graveyard - MDF Wood Kit

Haunted House & Graveyard - MDF Wood Kit£16.99  -  £25.99

Mushroom House - MDF Wood Kit*

Mushroom House - MDF Wood Kit*£16.99  -  £25.99

Pumpkin Haunted House - MDF Wood Kit*

Pumpkin Haunted House - MDF Wood Kit*£16.99  -  £25.99

Stackable Storage Kit - Double - 7 Drawers

Stackable Storage Kit - Double - 7 Drawers£15.99  -  £16.75

Stackable Storage Kit - Double - 6 Drawers

Stackable Storage Kit - Double - 6 Drawers£14.99  -  £15.75

Twitter Inn Birdhouse - MDF Wood Kit

Twitter Inn Birdhouse - MDF Wood Kit£14.99  -  £23.99

Chickadee Lighthouse Birdhouse - MDF Wood Kit

Chickadee Lighthouse Birdhouse - MDF Wood Kit£12.99  -  £19.99

Cobweb House - MDF Wood Kit

Cobweb House - MDF Wood Kit£12.99  -  £19.99

Sparrows Squeeze Inn Birdhouse - MDF Wood Kit

Sparrows Squeeze Inn Birdhouse - MDF Wood Kit£12.99  -  £19.99

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